Tewkesbury Borough Council

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Tewkesbury Borough Council aims to provide top class, value for money services for the people who live, work and visit the Borough. To achieve this, the council recognises the importance of great partnerships and of course its great staff. The council also has major growth ambitions and wants to shape the future development of the Borough to ensure a great sense of place. The Borough is one of the top 5 fastest-growing local authority areas in the country.

A mark of that ambition is the fact that Borough is one of only a few local authority areas with two Garden Communities in the national programme. Tewkesbury Borough is home to both Tewkesbury Garden Town and the Golden Valley Garden Community which is shared with Cheltenham Borough Council. Both in their early stages, they are evidence of the council’s commitment to creating sustainable homes, communities and jobs to meet the needs of future generations.

Tewkesbury Borough is also driving digital transformation. It is committed to continuous service improvement, with a dedicated Business Transformation team supporting work across the council to live up to one of our key values: putting our ‘Customer First’. We also live our value to be positive in working with others through a number of successful shared ventures with other organisations, including our impressive One Legal and building control services, and as a shareholder in Ubico, a local-authority-owned company providing waste and recycling collection services.

We want Tewkesbury Borough to be a place “where a good quality of life is open to all”.

Our borough is filled with spectacular natural assets and built heritage, and we are committed to preserving and enhancing these. Our successful bid to Heritage England for £1m Heritage Action Zone funding is part of a total £2m dedicated to regenerate Tewkesbury’s historic high street and is testament to our passion for the town’s rich culture.

To find out more about Tewkesbury Borough Council’s plans and ambitions, visit tewkesbury.gov.uk